Friday, November 30, 2007

Health Care: The Socialist Plan v. Rationality

To begin my banter against poor politics, I will begin on the subject of health care. The oh-so-brilliant democrats who are in congress and running for president seem intent on creating a universal health care system free to Americans. John Edwards guaranteed that this would happen if he becomes president. (You know, because someone who lost to John Kerry in the 2004 primary who lost to George Bush is going to beat Hillary and Obama in 2008 primaries and then take down Romney or Giuliani in the Big Boy's Fight. The dream is over Johnny boy.) This could quite possibly be the worst idea in the republic of the USA's entire history. So-called free health care to everyone is called SOCIALISM. That's a french idea. NOT AMERICAN! Beyond that fact it's amazing how democrats get away with calling universal health care FREE. Really? Who's going to pay the doctors? The government. And who pays the government? You and I do! Thus, "Free healthcare" equals higher taxes and the bloated government making decisions as to what kind of treatment you can receive. This kind of system is what Canada uses, but they have huge, long lines to get procedures. So yeah, maybe they found out what's wrong, but they also die waiting to get surgery. Oh, and when you have someone else choosing your healthcare package and paying for it, you inevitably pay MORE than you would with private healthcare. Another problem with universal healthcare-->without having profit as an incentive, doctors will have less incentive to become the best doctors they can be. No competition = poor results. If you aren't afraid someone is going to be a better doctor and is going to take your patients, you have no reason to work hard to be better. So, how about privatized healthcare. Private means YOU CHOOSE! You choose how much you want to pay for. The more you pay for, the more you get. Unfortunately the world isn't foolproof, so people are going to get sick above their healthcare plan level once in a while. However, this problem isn't going to be fixed by universal healthcare. So, a quick recap: Universal-->government chooses. Privatized-->you choose. Universal-->hidden costs are more expensive. Privatized-->costs are less expensive than paying government. Universal-->government has more power. Privatized-->you have more power. The only issue with privatized insurance is that the poor don't have enough money to buy quality insurance. Ok, so give the poorest 10% of Americans vouchers that they can supplement with more of their own money for private healthcare. There it is, socialism defeated for another day.

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